The Profession of Acting
Author of How to be a Working Actor

MARI LYN HENRY, author, teacher, actor and theatre historian founded the Society for the Preservation of Theatrical History to reacquaint today’s actors with the great actresses and visionaries of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Her workshops on on-camera techniques, script analysis, auditioning and impression management have been very successful in cities and universities across the country. CAREER INTELLIGENCE Seminars about “The Business of the Business” are based on her best-selling book How To Be A Working Actor,  ( She teaches audition techniques and the business of acting at Circle in the Square Theatre School  (NYC) and  the Desotelle Conservatory.

She is currently writing a new ‘legacy’ book entitled THE TOTAL ACTOR: A GUIDE FOR SURVIVAL, SUCCESS AND HERITAGE.

She was the recipient of a 2019  Special Theatre Woman Award from the League of Professional Theatre Women for her contributions to the industry.  She has produced and performed a solo piece about Clara Morris in  Stage Struck: Reclaiming the lives of famous Actresses from the Past.  Suffragists From the Stage  was a research project to educate audiences about the actresses who fought for the right to vote. Her B.A. in Speech and Drama is from San Jose State University; M.A. in Theatre History from the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.  She believes with Mark Twain that “training is everything. The peach was once an almond pit and a cauliflower is a cabbage with an education.”